








路易Higuera is a member of Marist's Class of 2020 who recently completed his first year as part of the "First-Year Florence Experience" at Marist's Branch 校园 in Florence, 意大利. He is pursuing a double major in Political 科学 and Philosophy.

How did you feel when you first found out about the First-Year Florence Experience (FFE)?
能有机会体验欧洲,我非常兴奋. I was familiar with the program through my cousin who did it just four years prior. She thought it was one of the best experiences of her life and I was dying to make this adventure my own.

What were some of your concerns about spending your first year of college at the Florence branch campus?
I was concerned about leaving everyone and everything I knew and loved back home for so long. I knew I was ready to be independent, but I still had reservations. Having never been to Europe and not being able to speak Italian also gave me some reservations about spending my first year abroad. This program is also very unique and obviously is not a traditional first-year experience in America which worried me a bit at first.

I knew it was right for me because I was an experienced traveler and have a passion for experiencing new cultures. I also knew that this experience would set me apart from my peers and offer me something most traditional college campuses cannot.

你在佛罗伦萨最喜欢的课程是什么? 为什么?
My favorite class in Florence was my Introduction to Western Philosophy course. 我从未上过哲学课. It helped me open up my mind and see the world a bit differently and ultimately helped me decide on my second major. We studied some of the greatest minds of Western civilizations and many came from the very city we were studying in during the Renaissance era.

你在佛罗伦萨最具挑战性的课程是什么? 为什么?
My most challenging class in Florence was my International Politics course. 我们的教授对她的学生期望很高. As a first-year, I sometimes felt as though I did not have all of the skills she expected us to have. Many of the students in the course were juniors who had already decided on their major and possessed the know-how to succeed in a challenging environment. Ultimately, I was able to hold my own and excel in a very interesting and thought-provoking course.

My typical day in Florence involved two classes a day with lunch at the small, 但是美味的LdM自助餐厅. I would eat breakfast and dinner at home with food my roommate and I bought from the grocery store down the street. 我还参加了足球俱乐部,让自己很忙, 哪一个一周见一次, 在当地的幼儿园做志愿者, or going to play basketball across the river at a park when the weather was nice. Because I was able to manage my time wisely I was not bogged down with homework every night.

My typical weekend in Florence would be sleeping in, doing homework, and having fun with friends. I would try to go to a new museum, or spot in Florence that I have not been to. The cafe scene is very fun and lively on the weekends and there are always people to hang out with if others are traveling.

I stayed connected with home through WhatsApp, 脸谱网, and FaceTime. Although there is a six-hour time difference between the East coast and Florence, it was not difficult to find times to talk and text with friends and family.

How did the faculty and staff support you during your time in Florence?
Marist provided two RAs and two RDs that lived in the building with us and a nightly security guard, which gave us easy access to people that could help us at any hour of the day with a variety of issues. The bet亚洲365欢迎投注意大利 offices are only a ten-minute walk away from the apartments and were always fully staffed with people willing to support you with academic and social issues.

我在佛罗伦萨最难忘的时刻不止一次, but many walks up to Piazzale Michelangelo and taking in the incredible view of the city.

I feel as though I have benefited from this program by becoming a more independent and open-minded student. I have become more cultured and more motivated to make a difference in the world and feel as though this program has helped me become a greater version of myself.

What advice would you give to a prospective student considering the FFE?
大胆尝试吧! Experiences and traveling are what sticks with you for the rest of your life. Doing this program will open you up to a new side of life that you never knew existed at such a young age.

你最喜欢佛罗伦萨的哪个地方? 为什么?
My favorite place in Florence is in front of the Duomo, The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. I walked by it almost every day in Florence and it never ceased to amaze me. Especially after learning about its history and relevance to the times in which it was built, 它让我欣赏它的荣耀.

你在佛罗伦萨最不喜欢的地方是什么? 为什么?
我在佛罗伦萨最不喜欢的地方是俱乐部. 他们又吵又脏,到处都是美国学生. Although I ventured into a few and had some fun, it usually would not last. Many of my friends did enjoy the energy and music, but it got old very quick for me personally
